Hart BJJ Fall Promotions for 2020
While we are very much looking forward to awarding those who are deserving, as you can imagine, we have to do things a little different. This year, we will not be making a promotion announcement. We will hold off on the usual group promotion and simply let you all know now, we will be promoting people in the last week of October during our regularly scheduled classes. Train accordingly and consistently.
New Classes and Schedule Changes
As of Sept 21, 2020, all Jiu Jitsu Classes will be Gi classes except Wednesday.
- Tuesday: 5 pm Kettlebell Conditioning
- Wednesday : 6:15 No Gi BJJ and 7:30 Open Mat (*Solo Drills CANCELED)
- Thursday: 5pm BJJ Drilling Essentials w Coach Tim (*Blue and above)
- Thursday: Fitness Zoom Class is Cancelled.