Women’s only BJJ training at Hart BJJ, Boxing and MMA in Conshohocken Pa.

Conshohocken Women's Jiu Jitsu Training.

Conshohocken Women’s Jiu Jitsu Training.

Sunday December 7th, 2014, 10am-noon

Coach Courtney has done a great job on Friday nights

instructing and hosting the Women’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class

at Hart Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Boxing.

Due to some changes at Harts we are now providing a

longer duration training session for  Women’s only Jiu Jitsu training.

This training day will be open to all women friends of Harts.

Women’s only BJJ training will now be 2 hours!

10am to noon, The first Sunday of Every Month.

We are excited to provide this new  training opportunity  for

Hart BJJ women and the Women’s Jiu Jitsu community.

If you are interested in participating or joining our program email us today at info@hartbjj.com.

Hart BJJ, Boxing and MMA Academy located in Conshohocken PA, 19428.

Hart BJJ, Boxing and MMA Academy located in Conshohocken PA, 19428.



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