Rise and Grind:
Hart BJJ, Boxing and MMA in Conshohocken now offers 6 am classes!
Rise and Grind! Hart Jiu Jitsu, Boxing and MMA now offers more morning time classes. In addition to the 7:00am classes on Monday and Wednesdays, Hart’s now offers a 6 am class on Thursdays. This is a mixed level class that allows for members from both the Basics program and the Advanced program to come in and get their BJJ fix before going to work. Taught by the one and only Coach Phil, this class is perfect for members looking to get a good work out in before heading to the office.
If you are even slightly interested in attending these classes, please come in and give it a shot. You will be surprised how much better the workday feels after spending some time in the morning exercising, learning Jiu Jitsu and rolling. You will feel your morning stress melt away with the first arm lock of the day.
We’ve had a fantastic turnout for the first couple classes 6 am. Let’s make round 2 even better. Come out on Thursday at 6 am and give single legs and eggs a chance! You will love the feeling of rising and exercises both your body and your mind. See you bright and early and ready for some Jiu Jitsu!