Save 30% OFF! OFFER Ends July 2nd, 2018! ACT NOW!

Join Our Muay Thai Kickboxing Program this Summer!

Come learn muay thai kickboxing with us and our team, at Hart BJJ, Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts Academy. You are going to Save 30% off and get an entire 12 Week Summer Membership for only 239.99! Summer Classes begin July 2nd, 2018 and end September 27th 2018. That is about $10 per class. This is the perfect time to kick start a strong training schedule by training Muay Thai. Choose 2 training sessions a week to participate in and add a new element to your life, with Muay Thai Kickboxing at Harts Conshohocken. ( Not to be combined with Trial Offer)

**WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING 10 NEW STUDENTS, for this offer!**

The best part is our Muay Thai classes are INSTRUCTED, TECHNIQUE BASED, AND ARE QUALITY TRAINING SESSIONS! These sessions are NOT a "Kickboxing bag class" You will ACTUALLY LEARN Muay Thai kickboxing with goal driven individuals like yourself, in a fun, safe and knowledgeable environment.

Muay Thai Kickboxing , Conshohocken Kickboxing , Plymouth Meeting PA
Muay Thai Kickboxing

Our Muay Thai Kickboxing OFFER ENDS JULY 2ND, 2018!


What you will need when you enroll for our Muay Thai Offer.

  • A positive attitude.
  • Choose to have a team mindset.
  • The desire to chase and achieve your goals
  • Be on time and stay consistent.
  • A Reusable Water Bottle. (We look to cut down on plastic use and waste at Harts, to better help our enviroment)
  • 180 inch handwraps
  • 16 0unce boxing gloves ( Buy at a local store, or we can order for you, when you enroll)
  • Exercise clothing, nothing too loose.

What we can provide if you ask at a small cost, upon enrolling.

Serious Inquiries Only!

Our Students at Hart's Martial Arts Academy are FIT!

We have consistently helped our students achieve their goals. Whether it is learning and applying a new hobby, a lifestyle choice, losing weight or gaining muscle. Our programs have helped numerous members meet and exceed these goals. If you want to see a change, come in and surround yourself with coaches and people, that want to help you get there. Some proven results for students learning martial arts and fitness at Harts include:

  • Large weight loss ( some upwards of 100 lbs)
  • Muscle tone and muscle growth
  • A leaner, stronger physique
  • Mental Clarity
  • Better Nutritional choices
  • Healthier lifestyle
  • Stress Relief
  • And so much more.

Contact a Hart Representative Below and Reserve you Offer!

BJJ near me, MMA near me, Conshohocken

Hart’s Newsletter

  • Top Rated and successful Martial Arts Programs
  • Highest Accredited Academy in Conshohocken
  • Voted Best Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts Academy
  • Family Oriented Community .

Sign up for Hart’s newsletter today, schedule your 2 Week Free Trial and have the Opportunity to save $100!